Saturday, June 18, 2011

Jack and Jill Competitions

This is a very quick post about "Jack and Jill" competitions. As we will be holding one at our upcoming Grad Dance I thought I'd post some information about what you can expect.

For a J&J comp, you don't enter as a couple, you enter as an individual. Then you are matched with random partners who you will dance with at varying tempos. Usually, the first few rounds you are judged as an individual, and then in the final round you are judged as a couple.

J&J comps are great because you don't know who you'll be dancing with, what song it will be, and what you can come up with! Judges are looking for connection with your partner, musicality, energy and enthusiasm.

ANY LEVEL can enter, and it's really just about having a load of fun and meeting new people!

Because the next Grad Dance on July 7th is movie themed, there may be a few songs in there you wouldn't register when you arrive so make sure you're on time!

Here is a video of the mixed levels Jack and Jill comp at Swing Camp Oz 2011, you may recognise a few Swing Sesh faces in there, including yours truly dancing with David Walton (we placed 2nd...yee!).

Most of all, HAVE FUN!!!!

Here is another video of some professionals getting silly in a Jack and Jill...

Quite a bit of silliness can happen...

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